Having my say

Saturday, 5 November 2016

To Brexit or not to Brexit? That is the question

OK So I am a Remoaner. This term is applied by Brexiteers ( a deliberately cheeky name for proponents the UK's exit from the EU - sounds like buccaneer) to people who were in favour of staying in the EU. This said I am pleased that the government lost the high court case today over triggering article 50 of the Lisbon treaty. This is not because I don't want it to be triggered ( I don't) but because I don't believe the country has really set out what it wants. There are many ways or versions of Brexit that are possible. Including those known as the Norway Model all the way to full and complete exit. The referendum only gave the instruction to leave. It did not specify under what terms

I find it ironic that the Brexiteers (and the UK media, more specifically the Daily Express and the Daily Mail), who argued that we should leave as EU, as EU law trumped Westminster Law every time, wish to circumvent the very institution they sought to "protect".

The government wished to use Royal prerogative powers to call in article 50 and start the ball rolling on what ever form of Brexit we can muster for ourselves. It remains to be seen whether the EU will play hardball with us or not. I am not going to go in on the Project Fear stuff but the Brexiteers are very confident with our futures to which the financial markets do not necessarily share as see in the drop in the value of the pound.

Perversely the drop in the currency is possibly beneficial in the long run because we will have to be a net exporter to survive in the Post Brexit world. It will make our goods and services more attractive. The problem is that we are a long way from that target and import, well, just about everything we consume. 

An early election? A possibility, it would require and act of parliament or as a pundit noted, the bizarre notion of Theresa May having to force a vote of no confidence on her own government. 

Personally I think we either need a general election to battle out just what kind of brexit was voted for on June 23rd or another referendum about the options. 

Nigel Farage and an unfortunate microphone!
At the moment the referendum just told the politicians "we" wanted to go. But on what terms? secondly there were a substantial number of citizens that voted to remain in the EU and the total lack of information about what is being planned has not helped to unite a nation. I still find it irksome that Brexiteers should assume that we should all jump onto the same bandwagon. It is not like we were asked "Tea or coffee?" Us Remoaners may well have had our hopes and dreams ripped from our grasp and no one is able to tell us in what way everything is now better and it was a good decision. It behoves the likes of UKIP to persuade us that this was a "Good Idea" because.....! To just say stop moaning and get on with it is just plain arrogant and divisive.

But like I have said UKIP were lost in some reverie of a lost empire and a world of super rich third world nations just queueing up, waiting to buy all our stuff. 

I will leave you with this little nugget

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