This is a very difficult piece for me to write to be honest. The brutal truth is that I voted for "Remain" so just about every piece of news about leaving the EU feels like someone giving me a rub down with coarse sand paper whilst telling me it is going to do me good
I don't think that certain politicians calling anti brexit voters "remoaners" really helps the situation. IT behoves all of us that didn't call for Breit to make sure that the Brexiteers are called to account. That they justify their actions and if necessary be ridiculed for the eejits they really are.
I am sure the sun will still rise on the what is left of the UK once we have left the EU so it will not be the end of the world. Quite. It will be difficult to measure how well or how badly we are doing in a post Brexit world.
The Brexiteers still have much to prove. How hard will the EU negotiate? How hard will the exit be? Has anyone realised how much we depend on foreign workers for many of the things we take for granted especially in the health care sector?
No, I mustn't go down this route. I can feel my blood pressure rising. It still rankles about how cavalier the Brexiteers have been with our futures.
Mark my words there are serious problems ahead with Scotland and Northern Ireland. This has the ability to reverse 20 years of peace in NI. Let alone the fact that The UK may not be so much more than England and Wales.
It makes sense,for the Brexiteers, that Article 50 is finished before 2020. If we are not out of the EU by the next election then it will become a de facto rerun of the referendum.
There will be a lot of new voters in 2020. These will be the ones that were denied a vote this time around and who, according to many sources, were in favour of staying in the EU.
It is a cheap shot to call us "remoaners" but the so far the phrase "I told you it would be thus" springs to mind. The markets so far do not have much faith in the pound. It looks like we are in for a bit of inflation which was predicted by us remainers.
Ah well. Don't say you weren't warned.
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