Having my say

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Farage for president

The more I seem to blog about Nigel Farage the more popular he gets. I am not of course suggesting for one moment my sparsely read blog is directly responsible for his rise to supers stardom. However I am perplexed by his rise to potential power. The latest row about him being made ambassador to Trumps US of A is a case in point. The guy is arrogant enough to insist he should be given the job of Ambassador to the USA on the basis that he seems to have some sort of friendship going on with the president elect. 

The plain matter of fact is that he is trying to eek out a new job for himself. Having ridden the gravy train of the being an MEP whilst campaigning to leave it he now finds that he may be without a lucrative pay packet for himself. So he is now casting around for another gravy train to ride. Havingthe ear of the President elect seems to be his next ploy. 

For my money he can get lost. The Government rightly hands these jobs to career diplomats who actually know what they are doing. I don't particularly want our ambassador to any country to be a "mate" of the government involved. I want that person the represent their country not their own zeitgeist. Farage may be called on reign back on Trumps dumb policy, would a "mate" feel like standimg up against Trump?

Then there is this idea that Farage is somehow anti establishment. You could not get a more "Establishment" figure. Privately educated, privately wealthy trader in metals. The idea he represents anything I am is ludicrous. He has far more in common with his office buddies in the conservative party. Wickipedia calims he is the member of a private members club in the UK. If this is true this just confirms his establishment credentials. These clubs used to be male only clubs where you could only get in with the right school tie they are the ultimate in patriarchal, right wing, elitist society.

Nigel Farage could not get elected to Parliament. He ought to take the hint - he is not wanted.

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