Where was I? Martians and Brexit! Oh look, I just can't start explaining trading blocks and political allegiances to some total strangers to the planet even if they are at least from within the same Solar system.
OK Martians were a bad analogy. How about the next best thing - Canadians! No that doesn't work either. Have you ever tried to explain anything to Canadians?
Oh I give up. This is just a quick run down of the facts as I see them (an interesting phrase as fact is not perceptive, a fact just is)
So anyway, there was a vote in the UK and the question was should we stay or leave the European Union. The Leave voters won by 52%to 48%. This created something of a political vacuum. The then Prime Minister, David Cameron fell on his sword for failing to win the referendum and left us trying to decide which eejits should be entrusted to lead us through this period where the will of the people is followed.
Interestingly we ended up with a Prime Minister who, not 9 months earlier had been hung out to dry by her party after a speech she gave went spectacularly tits up in the press.
And now many people are holding their breath/champing at the bit (depending on which side of the 52%-48% divide they fell) as we await the final moment when Article 50 is triggered and we are on a 2 year count down to the door marked "Exit" in Brussels.
We are now in the no man's land of doubt and intrigue. It would seem that our government have no idea what sort of "exit" they seek to ensure for us. Nor is it clear just what sort of "Exit" was voted for. It was not a choice in the referendum. Even the winners are divided in how far we should "Exit". Should we go as far as Norway? Or as far as Switzerland? Some think that is not far enough and we should set sail for the balmy waters of the Indian Ocean where we could be best placed to utilise all those markets that are going begging, not being sought because we are too tied in with the EU. You know the ones, places like Pitcairn Island and that place where they set off all them H-bombs.
So that in nutshell is it. Considering we are holding up quite well. Perhaps we are in the "phoney war" bit where no one really believes it is going to happen.
We shall have to wait and see