Having my say

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Not another Royal Wedding

Am I alone in sharing not one iota of interest in the events of 19th May?

I am a Republican and would consign the monarchy to the depths of a Disney park because that is what they are. Cartoons. Just so you know.

I am fed up to the back teeth that all my news feeds about stuff I AM interested in has been hijacked by all sorts of trivia about a couple I have no connection to by people who have no right to enter my cyberspace!

I am cynical and believe that succesive government's use these occasions to hide the fact that they are messing up BIG TIME but didn't the bride look fab!

The news was full of a story about a young girl who survived the Manchester bombing getting a selfie with Mr Beckham. It was a heart warming tale too true.

But the press pick and choose their happy stories.

Just this week I saw an article claiming that the government won't foot the bill for removing potentially life threatening cladding from tower blocks. This is just another reminder to the dispossesed, out of work, disadvantaged and ethnic minorities that your lives are worthless.

I am convinced that Grenfell Tower should be made safe but left in ruin as a reminder to the world what happens when we value certain people over others less fortunate than ourselves

Were any of those survivors invited to the wedding? Or just survivors of politically convenient disasters?

Didn't the bride look nice though?

Thursday, 3 May 2018

To Brexit or not to Brexit? That is the question

Straight off the bat I will say that I am what is euphemistically
known as a remoaner. I voted to stay in the European Union. There, I have said it and you all know where I am coming from.
So that said, how do I feel about the process thus far? Should there be a second referendum? Should we maintain a customs union union?
First off I am not happy with our current negotiation team. This is going to be VERY big for the UK. Theresa May threw any kind of mandate for negotiations under the EU bendybus with her election fiasco. It is most irritating to me that the biggest negotiation of this generation is being carried out by a political party that only just has a grip on parliament. It cannot be said it represents any kind of consensus in this country. We will have a Conservative inspired treaty that will be as close to aiding Conservative agenda as they can get away with but all else can go hang. They only represent 40% of the voters and usually their policies benefit a much smaller minority than that. Theresa May should of sought a cross party coalition of negotiators. Although they claim to be a party for choice, that is one commodity that falls to those that can afford to pay for it.
My stance during the referendum was we should either be in (preferred choice) or right out (too extreme though). Every other choice, however, whilst granting us some autonomy, would leave the nation continuing to pay into the EU and adopt all its laws and quirks whilst removing ANY ability to influence ANYTHING! The worst of both world's. I am not in favour of another referendum. The first one left us pretty divided I believe a second one will only drive the wedge deeper.
This country now needs the Brexiteers to really stand up and demonstrate how they expect us to be better off in the future. Just what is it that we can do better for ourselves.